Long Weekend
Thursday 17th
Madeline's brother had suggested that we might likt to visit Point Reyes when the city became a little much for us so last Thursday we set off in search of this National Seashore. First stop was another recommendation, this time from by IBM boss Matt who prompted the coit tower visit, and this time triggered some serious vertigo as we attempted to cross the Golden Gate Bridge on foot!
Having so much fun!
Needless to say, we only made it 3rd of the way across, but we got the general idea! Next stop was Point Reyas which I assumed was pretty soon after the GG Bridge. I was wrong. After over an hour on the incredibly hilly and winding Highway 1, we resorted to phoning for back up. Re-motivated by various calls to knowledgeable members of the Johnson family we caught our first glimpses of the area. By this stage, we were both a bit pissed off so we headed straight for the lighthouse in the hopes of a good photo opportunity.
Our hopes were dashed after a reluctant hike to the bottom where the cheery mustachio man informed us that this was the foggiest spot in northern America. We left quickly and went to a nearby beach to try and salvage some enjoyment from the day. Madeline fell asleep, I collected some rocks and we fell out over $3 soda.
The drive home was much better, Madeline driving, me sleeping; until I woke suddenly, sensing a cherry sales woman at the side of the road. Sure enough, a few hundred meters down the road, there was a little stand selling the finest cherries you ever did see! I stumbled out of the car in a post-sleep coma, handed over money and returned triumphantly with a not inconsiderable bag of Washington cherries!
Stupidly I didn't proof read the truth before announcing to Madeline that I'd paid $8 for the honor (she doesn't even like cherries) and all hell broke loose! Steam had just stopped coming from her ears by the time we got home and we went to pick up her cousin Hilary who was in the city on business, for dinner. Pasta was awsome, (madeline) and that pretty much brought Thursday to a close.
Friday 18th
UC Berkley, Marley + Harper. Carlos. Bad traffic, expensive parking. Greek ampetheatre.

Saturday 19th
Madeline run
Emilie's night out, Ambers, Dancing, random guy.


Sunday 20th
Madeline went for tea with Emilie + friends
I slept
Watched Troy
Monday 21st
Finished watching Troy, 1st day of international student stuff
Madeline not in work.
Tuesday 22nd
Madeline starts work, ben makes friend, Abishake
Friday 25th
Madeline out with girls
Bought text books
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