Things going well
I've been meaning to write a very positive blog about life in SF, but I've been too busy! I've had exams, a mid term assignment, a new gym membership, Halloween preparations and countless other little things to juggle over the past week, but it's been the best yet. The weather here is wonderful at the moment; warm sunny days and mild-to-crisp autumnal nights. I sort of miss rain, but I’m comforted by my customized Google desktop that the world isn’t going to run out of water just yet:
I decided earlier in the week that I really needed to focus on my studies and brush off the mid-semester slump. The healthy body, healthy mind idea resulted in me joining Gold’s gym with Madeline. We’ve been a couple of times, most notably at 6am on Wednesday morning! It’s a fascinating place, full primarily of huge gay men, and very different to Edge Hill. I’m not sure I’m completely sold on it, but it’s only a short walk from our apartment, so we can’t really complain.
Homeless people are interesting me at the moment. As it’s getting a bit colder, I’m beginning to worry for the regulars at the onramp for the 101, and the guy who sleeps in the doorway down the street. I can’t help but spend far too long wondering what they go through, what they did to end up on the street and just exactly how crazy they all are. Nothing really prepares you for city life like this. It just makes me realize how sheltered Durham was, and how lucky I was to grow up in the suburbs :)
On the way to the car the other morning, I passed a guy strung out on drugs looking very worried, the guy who sleeps in the doorway, several remnants of smashed car windows and a still-warm pile of human defecation. It sounds terrible, but we live in a nice area, and I feel safe and happy in our street. Weird.
School is going really well at the moment. I'm so busy, I have to enjoy it or I'd be deported. This weekend is typically busy; Kelly's Halloween party tonight, getting a credit card on Sat and playing CRICKET(?!) on Sunday. The cricket is against Marin, just North of the Golden Gate, for a team my English/programming friend Andy plays for. Should be fun.
In other news, Madeline is thinking of applying to SF State to study for her teaching credential next year. It'd be so cool to car-pool to school together, and it'd be nice to have similar schedules. OK, well I'm excited to hear reports of mum's new car, and I'm glad to see Dad has been putting pics up. What's the link to your Lancashire Trail map?
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