Monday, September 18, 2006

A Nest of Joy!

Mum will be so jealous! This evening, Madeline and I were ready to leave the house to go and sign for our new apartment, when something caught my eye. Madeline freaked out and ran away, but on closer inspection, what Madeline feared were mice, were actually 5 furry little kittens! They were nestled down in a bush, squeaking and fighting with each other.

I wasn't really sure what to do so I tried to find an RSPCA equivalent online to give me advice. It was pretty late, and there was no sign of mummy cat, so I popped the little guys in a cardboard box with some newspaper, (pet rescue prepared me well!).

Without the RSPCA, we knocked on a few doors to ask if anyone near by had a cat. We found an old lady who wanted to come by tomorrow to look at them and a much saner woman who told us there were a lot of stray cats around and they get this kind of thing annually. She said the mum cat would probably be back for them. So after Emilie had arrived and been suitably impressed with their cuteness, we put them back in the bush hopefully, to await mum.

I think it was the right thing to do, but if they are still there tomorrow, I'm going to contact the SPCA. Fingers crossed!

Because I know mum will be interested, there were 4 sandy/ginger colored ones, and one grey/white. I think one was a runt; it wasn't very lively. They didn’t look new born, maybe a few days/a week. It’s really strange that they would just appear like that. The lady down the road said the mum cat may have carried them there. I’m not so sure...

In other news, we had a nice weekend enjoying the sunshine on the beach, and mild evenings in Emilie's hot tub. Tonight we signed for our new apartment, and all is well. Where is Mandy?! :-D


John Dalziel (aclJohn) said...

I think it more likely that thye had been dumped! I think the SPCA is the way to go even if just for advice.

Dave and Mandy's Travels said...

I'm here! So jealous you found kittens. Sorry they had to be put to sleep. :o(