It's just over a month since my last post, so I'll attempt to provide a concise, entertaining and complete overview of the excitement of February. Again, anyone viewing this in Facebook, click here for the full color version, and check out some of our other photos here.
February 10th - Shooting!
It was with some apprehension that I joined a couple of my friends for the American equivalent of a morning at the driving range. We drove south to where I'd taken the kittens to be put down back in September, and I hoped I'd be able to hold it together, as memories flooded back. Thankfully the shooting range was not affiliated with the SPCA, (not as good American version of the RSPCA, i.e. no Rolf Harris), although I think there is probably a market for this method of humane termination.

We had a lesson, teaching us such vital things as "don't point a loaded gun at anyone", "don't press the trigger unless you're ready to shoot" etc. The instructor had a bullet proof vest on, and a large weapon holstered on his back (concealed but I spotted it), which was a little disconcerting. More worrying though was our time spent waiting for a lane. The people/regulars who stumbled in and out were terrifying. They all had big cases containing overly polished and devastatingly well equipped firearms which they brandished with a glint of deranged exuberance. A couple turned up with his and hers cases, initials emblazoned on the lids, and could barely contain their excitement at the prospect of shooting a piece of paper 7 meters away.
Our time came to finally shoot, and in all honesty, I was a little uncomfortable holding a gun. I got over that quickly and began to master the beginners gun, which had similar power to a Super Soaker 500. We upgraded, I got a little bit excited and would like to think that the next set of new comers were equally perturbed by the look in my eye. I left with my target peppered with surprising accuracy, and presented it to Madeline like the carcass of a stag from a successful hunting weekend. She was less impressed than I thought. Good experience, feel a little bit more American, but I prefer the driving range.
February 17th - Presidents weekend - Skiing in Tahoe!

Another first for weekend #2 in Feb - Skiing, (well actually snow boarding). Emilie and I picked Greg, Kathleen and Madeline up on Friday and made good time up to our little cabin. I found it, and still find it, strange that a few thousand feet up, (8) its cold enough to support snow, and a lot of it! A night of poker and an early night prepared us for a big day on the slopes.
Saturday morning - we hired our stuff, I played the ignorant, English card in the rental shop and emerged looking more than a little uncomfortable.
Emilie snowboards a lot, so she gave me a run down on the basics, and before long we were on a chair lift rising high into the mountains for my first descent! After falling off the chairlift, hitting my head and knocking my tail bone, I strapped in and proceeded to fall down the slope with some style.
Things picked up quickly and I began to master turning...I mean carving. I was spurred on after Emilie said I was the most natural beginner she'd ever seen, (maybe she hasn't seen many beginners), and accidentally was led down a black diamond slope by Greg and Kathleen. My ability to bounce rather than crash and my tireless determination soon paid off as we began exploring the intermediate slopes.

Lunch was well deserved, as I tried to dry off and muster some hidden reserves for the afternoon. We made our way over to the back of the mountain to a huge fluffy wide run, where I got chance to practice my carving some more.
Back to the cabin for cards, food, wine and another early night. Whole body hurting.

Day 2 on the slopes, and a slightly later start as we waited for a fresh snow fall, and enjoyed some bacon and eggs. After picking up some goggles ($75!) for K and G, we started where we finished the day before. I was much more confident, enjoying the fresh layer of powder, and wasn't falling very much. It was a little windy/blizzard until early afternoon when the sun came out and I really began to enjoy it.
G, M and I explored the front side of the mountain, before G and I hit the back side for the last run of the day - v. steep, poor visibility, but amazing fun. Legs couldn't take much more so back to the cabin to conclude our 3 day poker series.

February 24th - R
Who would have thought that I'd ever volunteer my Saturday to learning about statistical software? Very good course. Sunday, recovering from not the best night ever.
March 3rd - Petaluma
Thought I had the follow up course this weekend, but the instructor fell ill. Took the opportunity to drive north to play for Berkeley against Petaluma. Not a very good game, but no concussion this weekend, just a bruised nose.

On the drive back, we stopped at the Marin headlands because it was a clear day. This is where I wanted to take Katie and Paddy on the way back from Sonoma, just before the GG bridge:

We spent Sunday on campus after I'd been to yoga and Madeline had been to brunch. Nice weekend.