Saturday, March 10, 2007

Three things which made me happy this week

1. On Tuesday, during our Topology of DNA class, we spent an hour and a half in a Biology wet lab doing experiments with actual DNA! This was the output image from our experiment!
2. It has been shorts weather all week - spring time has landed, and California is beautiful! Those visiting in the next few months are in for a real treat.

3. I noticed a guy on campus had some Nike Air Monarch trainers. For some reason that conjured up an image of the Monarch butterfly, which could not be a worst simile for the guy wearing said shoes...

I'm in another stats course shorts...drinking iced tea. Super.

1 comment:

Dave and Mandy's Travels said...

Hello you!
We've read your blog too. Glad you're back playing rugby. Looks like you're enjoying it. We're struglling to manage a trip to the gyma t the moment but we were doing well at running - must get back to it!
Enjoy the hols with M&D.
Speak to you soon
M & D