Yoga and Bagels
I was going to write about our week at home, but you'll have to wait for that chapter in our life, like Harry Potter fans waiting for the 7th over hyped book (sorry Simon). I'm busy at work and feeling all warm and loose thanks to a morning at the gym :) If you can't see the pics (and they're good this time!) go to
Mike, (a friend from Durham) is staying with us this week, and this morning we got up around 6am and jogged to the gym (pre sunrise!). I smuggled him in, almost blowing it by revealing my English accent and raising suspision but we infultrated their single line of defence, and made our way to the "studio" at the rear of the building. We ambled in, were told to remove our shoes and were briefly grilled about any past injuries or health conditions. We each got a mat and waited for the fun to begin!The lady instructor told us that we'd be working on a very specific and small (and insignificant) muscle in our groin/pubic region. It had a name, but I forgot it. Her identification of where exactly the muscle was located was frankly a little too graphic for 6:30am, but after the initial shock and supressed laughter, we settled in and began yogering!
She explained everything very clearly, although obviously my body didn't follow the instructions very well. There was a suprising amount of holding the contorted positions we struggled to manouver our bodies into, for longer than I felt was really necessary. Yoga might be a bit femenine, but the instructor has some serious muscle strength, endurance and flexability! A particularly memorable moment will be Mike and I attempting the position above for about 5 minutes before making eye contact and realising how ridiculous we were. Something to work on...
Yoga is on Tuesday and Thursday mornings; let's see how long this lasts. We got back and had a nice breakfast of bagels (Tickle, have you introduced them to Durham?), orange juice, milk and tea. It's going to take a few more weeks to get this good though:
This afternoon I'm going to get some graduate advising about a Maths class I want to take, and about my failure in the Graduate Essay Test (GET) which "no native speakers have really had any problems with". I was ill for the exam. If I have to take a make-up class with other retards and foreigners, rather than taking the exam again when I'm in good health, I may go insane.