Monday, December 04, 2006

Homeless people and why to avoid peanut butter

My fascination with homeless people/drug addicts, et al. continues. Madeline was worried that my primary motivation for getting a new camera was to take photos of said people, capturing a snap shot of their record less lives in exchange for a dollar or half toasted bagel with peanut butter, (more on the death spread later). Her worries were of course unfounded, but I did capture this a week or so ago from the safety of our car, (locked and in gear).

The importance of matching bed linen
There is just so much I want to know, understand and ask. One question which has been recurring is how do they survive during a cold night with one shoe and possibly a blanket? We had our first really cold night last week, and I spent a not inconsiderable time wondering what tog rating our duvet was, and whether we should invest in a winter season cover. It seems a little pathetic in comparison.
On a more positive note, here is a picture of a dog on the beach.
The Standoff
My interesting fact of the week is that peanut butter is one of the most carcinogenic products you can buy. Apparently there is a mold that grows on it which is the carcinogen and the FDA, (US Food and Drug Admin') nearly banned it because it's so bad!

1 comment:

John Dalziel (aclJohn) said...

Don't believe everything you are told about food and keep away from homeles people especially if they are drug addicts!! xx