Madeline got me the Bob Dylan DVD for my birthday - I had bought it off iTunes already so we took it back and I ordered Heima from amazon. It arrived a couple of days ago, but I've just watched the first few tracks from the performances disk, and skipped ahead for Hoppipolla. Looking forward to tucking into it fully on my flight to London! Lots of media related blogs just recently - I must be feeling creative or something.
In the lab, drinking beer, listening to Pink Floyd at an almost distractingly loud volume on my headphones, writing about why I think my project deserves attention. It's going to be a long week.
Just read a review of last nights Led Zep reunion gig.
Hairs standing up on the back of your neck? No? You must not be viewing the full color version! Bought IV after I realized my music collection was seriously lacking in classic rock. I don't like DRM, but I do love the convenience of iTunes.
Saw Beowulf: an IMAX 3D experience last Friday. My only previous IMAX experiences were in Sydney (rugby tour – too exhausted to stay awake in a warm dark room), and watching the movie 300 more recently, but that wasn’t in 3D.
Had big expectations, and spent a long time convincing Madeline that she was going to be blown away. Not sure blown away was accurate, but it was relatively painless. Cons: The plot was horrible, the king’s wife was plain Jane, the computer generated ocean effects on the beach were not realistic, Beowulf's accent is just weird. Pros: Angelina Jolie was inspirational, the 3D was not over used, and when it was, it was used to great effect (lots of ducking and Madeline squeezing my hand too tight when dragons plunged towards us), the CGI was very good with a couple of glitches, the dragon fight was brilliant, the group of guys sat behind us kept making amusing comments, the audience cheered when Beowulf kicked some ass.
If we hadn’t experienced the “IMAX 3D experience”, I’d be pissed – horrible movie saved by some technology. It was technology Madeline could appreciate which wins it extra points. Worth $15 each? We’ve paid more for less.