Friday, May 18, 2007

Half way there, Yahoo! and "what I'm listening to atm"

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If all had gone to plan - I'd have been graduating in a weeks time. As it is, American universities love taking their time over such things (5 year Ph. D.s anyone?). I'm deep into end of semester deadlines, having given 3 presentations in as many days, and with 3 big project reports due before the end of next week. I still find time to go to the beach as much as possible though:

Cooling off

Following that, a three day weekend will provide me with just enough time to prepare myself for my summer internship with Yahoo! Sports. I'm waiting for my work permit, but fingers crossed it should be an inspirational summer. I'm most excited about the free yoga classes on campus, or maybe the complimentary massages/dental care. Their campus is in silicon valley (living the dream) but they provide a free shuttle service (with Wi-Fi) from the city.
For anyone who may have a fleeting interest in what I'm doing, I'm going to be developing a system which allows users to rate basketball teams in the NBA - I'll put a link to it when it's live!
In other good news, Madeline has been accepted onto her teaching credential program for next year - we'll both be studying together at SF State, and will graduate at the same time - June 2008!

What I'm listening to At the Moment
Due to me becoming a computer hermit over the past few weeks, I've been listening to a lot of new music, so much that I feel inclined to share the bits I've been humming along to.

Amour, Imagination, RĂªve
Air - I took Madeline to see them. They rock

Editors - Smokers outside the hospital doors

The White Stripes - Icky Thump

- Biffy Clyro - Living Is A Problem Because Everything Dies

The Arcade Fire - No Cars go. Their new album is simply beautiful (you'd like it mum), and we're going to see them live in June!

The Walkmen - A new recommendation from my boss
Silver Sun Pickups - As above

Good Luck
A quick high five to all those taking exams in Durham this month. Special mention to big Dan Ireland who will be receiving his results sipping mojitos in San Francisco, and the rest of the 4th year crew - Tickle, have a vegetable soup from the machine in the library for me.

Good luck is also extended to those currently traveling. Against all odds, it would appear that Simon is coping extremely well, and more power to Katie for backing him from the get go. We're looking forward to your impending arrival with TH-I. Finally a very quick pat on the back to Charles for getting into Cambridge Polytechnic, to study for a GNVQ in crop management.

In other news
This weekend it's our first Bay to Breakers. The project I've been working on this semester has been approved for my thesis, and the prototype we took to the biologists at UCSF got rave reviews. Andy has finally picked up his shotgun, so there's a possibility of clay pigeon shooting in the not so distant future.